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Anicka Newell Personal Life


Canadian Vaulter Anicka Newell Featured on New Podcast

Mens Journal's "Everyday Warrior With Mike Sarraille"

Episode Inspires Individuals to Overcome Mental Challenges

Canadian pole vaulter Anicka Newell recently appeared on a new podcast, "Everyday Warrior With Mike Sarraille," hosted by former Navy SEAL Mike Sarraille. The podcast is a platform for discussing mental health and resilience, and Newell's appearance focused on the challenges that athletes face in overcoming mental hurdles.

Newell is no stranger to the mental challenges of pole vaulting. In the podcast, she describes how the sport requires intense focus, concentration, and self-belief. She also discusses the importance of having a support network, setting realistic goals, and learning from setbacks.

"This sport can be really tough, mentally," Newell said. "But it's also taught me so much about myself and about overcoming challenges. I'm grateful for the opportunity to share my story and to inspire others to push through their own boundaries."

The "Everyday Warrior" podcast is a resource for individuals who are looking to improve their mental health and resilience. The podcast features interviews with experts in the fields of psychology, neuroscience, and fitness.

Newell's appearance on the podcast is an inspiring example of how athletes can use their platform to promote mental health awareness. By sharing her story, Newell hopes to help others who are struggling with mental challenges.

