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Psconfigexe Cmd Secureresources

PSCONFIG Configuration Wizard in SharePoint

Understanding PSCONFIGEXE

PSCONFIGEXE (or WEB PSCONFIGUI) is a UI-based configuration wizard that automates various post-installation tasks in SharePoint. It performs these tasks sequentially, ensuring a seamless upgrade process.

Main Functions

PSCONFIGEXE primarily handles the following tasks:

  • Upgrading the SharePoint farm to the latest version.
  • Installing language packs.
  • Activating application content.
  • Installing SharePoint features.

Usage after November Update

After the November update, it is recommended to run the PSCONFIGEXE command line tool instead of the GUI version. This tool allows for more granular control over the upgrade process.

Executing PSCONFIG

To execute PSCONFIGEXE, follow these steps:

  1. Open the SharePoint Management Shell.
  2. Navigate to the SharePoint installation directory (e.g., C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\16\BIN).
  3. Run the PSCONFIGEXE command with the appropriate parameters (see syntax below).


PSCONFIGEXE -cmd [command] [-options]

Common commands:

  • -cmd upgrade -inplace: Upgrades the farm in-place.
  • -cmd installfeatures: Installs SharePoint features.
  • -cmd applicationcontent -install: Activates application content.


PSCONFIGEXE is an essential tool for managing the SharePoint upgrade process. By automating various tasks and providing granular control, it simplifies the upgrade process and ensures a seamless transition to the latest version.
